There is a very easy way of doing the things above, especially if our blog using; using yahoo pipes, you don't have to think hard, but simply used in a simple manner that is like the following guidelines:
#1. From your blogger dashboard, select "Layout" menu, then specify the position of the most commented posts widget is placed.
#2. Press Add a Gadget button, and then select type of gadget "HTML/JavaScript".
<script type="text/javascript"> function stripTags(s,n) {return s.replace(/<.*?>/ig,"").split(/\s+/).slice(0,n-1).join(" ")} function mostcommented(feed) { var i; for (i = 0; i < feed.count ; i++) { var postURL = "'" + feed.value.items[i].link + "'"; var postTitle = feed.value.items[i].title; var postthumbnail = "<img src="+feed.value.items[i].postthumbnail+" />"; var postDescription = feed.value.items[i].postdescription; var postComments = feed.value.items[i].commentcount; var postList = '<div class="most-commented"><ul><li><div class="comment-count">' + postComments + " Comment(s)</div>" + postthumbnail + "<a href="+ postURL + '">' + postTitle + "</a>" + '<p>' +stripTags(postDescription,10)+'...</p>' + '</li></ul></div>'; document.write(postList); } } </script> <script src=" AddUrlHere= &NumberofPosts=5 &_id=2cb5eb603ed55a6264ee1484e5fdd45c &_callback=mostcommented &_render=json" type="text/javascript"></script>Then your blog will show up Most Commented Posts widget, quite simple isn't it.
To specify address of blog that will be processed, replace "AddUrlHere =" with "AddUrlHere = {your blog url}"; and to change the number of posts to be displayed, replace "NumberofPosts=5" with "NumberofPosts={number of post}"