5 Apps to Help You Manage Your Blog On the Go

On Page Optimization

Blogging is an amazing phenomenon that has brought the voice of the people back to our ears. Regular Joes, kitchen connoisseurs, and DIY dynamos are bringing their passion for what they do to the world wide web. Anyone can do it, and it seems that these days just about everyone does.

People that have proven themselves to be experts in what they love are quickly expanding their skills sets into uncharted territory, like social media management, SEO, and web based marketing. As the possibilities for bloggers continue to expand, the mobile market has answered the call for better management with handy apps to keep blog owners on top of their work anytime, anywhere.

As the information revolution continues, the tools just keep getting better. Here are some of the best apps out there today to help you manage your blog and keep your readers begging for more.

#1 – Wordpress

Yea, I know, duh. Wordpress is only the most popular blogging platform out there, and for a good reason. Their easy to use process has birthed thousands of blogs, and the wave is far from cresting. The Wordpress app allows you to do just about everything the full site does, from drafting and publishing posts, to monitoring your site traffic. The app even features a reader, so you can keep up with other blogs on the go, and continue to be inspired.

#2 – iA Writer

This app is right up my alley. Sometimes I am one distracted writer, and on a smartphone, it is just so dang hard to ignore notifications and not wander back over to a social media account to mindlessly scroll for a minute. Writer makes it easier to stay on task, with a cut and dry word processor that features a Focus Mode to keep you in the zone.

You can sync with iCloud and Dropbox for seamless file sharing, and stay up all night writing with their night mode feature, to make the process easier on the eyes. This app is beautiful in its simplicity, and is a must have for the serious content creator. This app is only available for iOS, Mac, and Android for right now though – sorry Windows users.

#3 – Swiftkey Keyboard

This awesome app coupled with a fabulous word processor like iA Writer will seriously get you pumping out some content. This keyboard is highly intuitive, not only helping you with spelling and grammar errors, but predicting words based on your past typing habits. Swiftkey Keyboard makes it a lot more feasible to produce high volumes of content on a teeny smartphone. Though the app has some bugs to work out with funky autocorrect suggestions, it still really streamlines the drafting process.

#4 – ExpressVPN

When you blog, you seriously put your reputation on the line. It’s a highly personal passion, and one that your readers are going to use to hold you in a certain standard and regard. An alarming number of blogs get hacked, and it can devastate your numbers. Once readers see a page is unsecure, you’re likely to see them drop like flies.

Don’t take the chance of having your login information compromised by a hacker – always use a VPN when blogging over a public Wi-Fi connection. ExpressVPN has some of the most intuitive and effective software out there. Their encrypted tunnel keeps your information secure from you to the server, and their IP address blocking makes sure you can access any content you want, regardless of geo-blocking restrictions.

#5 – Camera+

Half of the fun of publishing is creating beautiful images to complement your work. Do it right with Camera+, the photo editing app with a built in camera that allows for extensive editing, and beautiful images right from the start. At just $2.99 in the App Store, this comprehensive app is a tool no blogger should do without.

There’s no need to sit behind a desk all day to keep up with your blog. Get out for some fresh air, and take your work with you to any park or cafĂ© with these incredible apps. While there’s no limit to just how many tools a blogger can use in their arsenal, these five apps will round out your tools and give you efficiency coupled with convenience, and get you publishing fast and fantastically.

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