So, your new business has finally launched after months and months of hard work – planning preparation, researching, investing – and you want to make the beginning of your business as brilliant as the rest of the business’ life. You think about what you should do – a giveaway, a free product to one lucky customer, or... a launch night?
A launch night is becoming increasingly popular with start up businesses, so much so that it seems wherever you look, there is a launch night happening for a new business in town or in the city. Launch nights usually comprise of celebrities attending, free alcohol (including the best wine and the latest fashionable beer), and buffet-style food created by either the restaurant (if that is what launching) or one of the hottest and well known chefs in town. On launch night, it is also usual to have a resident photographer and a few journalists to document the night. Basically, a launch night of a business is used to promote what the business is going to do, and how it is going to do it. This means that a launch night is crucial to not only the beginnings of a business but also to how the business will fare in the market for years to come.
If your business is online, then it may be a wise choice to book a venue for the launch night where everyone will know. It does not have to be a bar, or a pub, it could be a restaurant, a cultural centre or even a popular arts venue. It is not unheard of for business owners to book venues such as cinemas for the launch of their business. You could also even contact other businesses – bigger, non competing ones of course – and ask if they have any space within their buildings to hold a launch night for your business. If you are unsure of how to do this, you could contact someone with Conference Room Management to help you out.
If you do decide to hold the launch night of your business within another company’s office, it is always a good idea to ask the CEO, and employees of that company, to attend your launch. This will mean you have got off on the right foot immediately with people who hold power, meaning your business will get talked about, the CEO will know who you are and what your business does and it could mean instant clients.
A launch night, though, can be a stressful addition to your business. It also costs money. When booking caterers, go for the cheaper choice (sandwiches can never go wrong), buy wine that still looks good on the label but tastes just as nice as the more expensive brand. It is always worth asking venues for a deal in their pricing when booking – most venues will be happy for a reduction as they know people coming to your launch will buy drinks from the bar and will return if they like the venue.